Have you ever thought about running away from home? In all seriousness, have you? I have thought about it for quite some time. Not saying that living where I currently live is bad. It's just that I would like to see how it feels. I would want to know what my parents would do. Would everything still be the same? I want to do this just for experience and for a reaction from my parents. Might as well make it an interesting experience if I do decide to.
My mom is so annoying, when she hears something that I say (generally when it's not a good thing) or sees something I did, she over reacts and blows it out of proportion and ends up yelling at me for some bullshit. Example, today I was on the computer looking up tabs for a song and she comes in to my room and asks if I have homework. I tell her I don't have much. She starts to get pissy about me not having much homework (why the fuck would you get pissy over something like that?) and thinks that I did but am lying to her. I tell her that in the past couple of days and stuff we haven't been doing much in class. She ended up yelling at me about how checking Edline rarely is not reletive to checking it yesterday. When I tell her that even if I did check it yesterday I can still check it rarely because I don't look at it often she gets way pissed at me.
She blows things way out of proportion when they shouldn't be. End of story.
My house is a bitch to sneak out of. All the doors are so fucking creaky and if I leave through my window I have no way of getting back in. I need a hidden ladder... That would be nice.
Oh yeah, Emily wanted me to mention her in my blog so...
I've been thinking about stuff that's happened in the past year or so. A lot of interesting things have happened since I met Emily, Maribeth, and Kat. Both for good and bad I would say. Funny how we met or whatnot. Hehehe. I think since I started hanging with them I became better friends with, not only them, but also Mark and Daniel. They probably also kept me from doing far worse things than I have with them. Ask me what I mean by that if you want. I'm a bit lazy and don't feel like typing out this long write up even though I have all this in my head already.
I've met many new friends through them, gone through good times and bad, and had many interesting experiences. It saddens me when one of them is down and not cheerful like they should be. It worries me when they have very negative thoughts. Mark, Daniel, Emily, and Maribeth? They're probably some of my best friends. Cheers.
Eh fuck, I'm getting to lazy to go on with this. I cut it short by ending it with a list of their names and stuff. Yup. Great, right?
Edit: If anyone dislikes someone greatly and wants me to spam the shit out of their Facebook or whatnot, I'm willing to do that. I'm in the mood for it. Except for Sean Montgomery. I don't feel like dealing with someone who is as stupid as him. As for anyone else who wants to start shit over something stupid, like a little bit of random, off topic, Facebook comments? Be my guest.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Purple Bottle
Today I stayed home yet another day. My day wasn't bad. I slept more, downloaded more music, listened to it, then went to the doctor's. The doctor's place sucks. It's really boring when you have to wait there for like 30 minutes just so the nurse can ask you questions about random shit and then have to wait longer. When I came home I played some guitar and lounged around my house once again. My mom went back to work for a couple hours, which left me to do whatever I pleased. I sang Baby I'm An Anarchist as loud as I could and at the part where it goes, "I was burning the fucker and straining my black flag high!" I screamed that at the top of my lungs. I think my neighbors could hear me. Whatever, I don't really care what they think. At 5 pm, I went to this college thing with my parents at Whitman. It's one of those things where colleges come and you get to look at them and such. The good thing about this one, however, was that it was for art schools. I forgot to bring my portfolio so I didn't get to show any of the people my work. Ah well. I'm pretty glad I went, I'm happy to know that art schools don't care about your GPA as much as those damn Ivy League schools. I'm sure as hell I wont be making it in to one of those. For most of the art schools there, the requirement to get in was a 2.5-3.0 GPA and a good portfolio. At least I might get in to a liberal arts school. Screw rich people. Working as a starving artist, doing the thing you like to do, is way better than sitting at a desk or whatever. DESK JOBS FUCKING SUCK. I never want one. When I got home, it was around 6:30, I ate dinner, then went up to my room and just sat around, not bothering to do any of my homework.
The Purple Bottle, good song by Animal Collective. :]
The Purple Bottle, good song by Animal Collective. :]
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Swimmer King
Well, I was just thinking to myself about how I haven't been writing in my blog recently. I'm writing at this time because I'm sick and I did not want to go to school. My mom made me go to school yesterday and I felt like shit. Luckily, she's being nice today. Hopefully she doesn't end up yelling at me later.
Since my last post was about a week ago on Wednesday, I'm going to back up and try to remember what has happened since and make up for not writing in a while (more like five days, but whatever). I'm going to start on Thursday, which was Thanksgiving.
Thurdsay, Thanksgiving, I can't remember what I did before Emily came over very well.
I probaby just hung around my house playing guitar and looking up stuff online. I helped my parents for a little bit in the morning and then proceeded to making more stencils. In the afternoon sometime, Emily came over and we hung around my house making stencils and such. I think she made three. I only made one though... I think? Haha. After we finished, it was about 4 o'clock, so, we got a paint bucket and all these other random paint supplies and stuffed them into one of my hiking backpacks. I don't think my parents seemed suspicious of why I was lugging a huge hiking backpack to Mark's house. That, or they didn't care. We took a walk to Mark's after I found the CD with the pictures I took for his dad on it. At Mark's house we played Rockband and got distracted for a bit. It was pretty fun. He got an excuse to not watch Indiana Jones with his parents and little brother. My parents called around 5:45 and told us to be home around 6:15, so we left Mark's to follow up on our original plans, which was to paint over some old streetart and put up some new stuff. We ended up getting to the place a little after 6. It was already dark when we got there, actually it was dark when we got to Mark's, but that's beside the point. We had to use a flashlight. We painted about a 6 ft. x 4 ft. section of the wall some beige-ish colour, it was the only paint bucket I could open ( I tried beforehand). While working on this my parents called to tell me to start heading back, so we had to cut painting short and pack up. We had to walk pretty fast back to my house because my parents expected us to be back in like 5 minutes or something... We didn't get back that soon. I think my dad was a bit pissed when I walked in because we were late. Ah well.
For dinner Emily and I had tofurkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and all that other stuff. It was good. I think she ate more than she normally does for once. xD
After dinner we went to my room and just chilled, went on stickam with Ana for a little bit, and listened to music. We also went on Skype and such. After that, my parents drove her home. Well, that's the end of Thursday.
All I've been doing today is downloading music, listening to it, downloading more, and sleeping.
At least I don't have to sit through another monotonous day of school. Weee. I think I should listen to The Decemberists more often, they're pretty good. It's chill music, I like it. I also downloaded a shitload of post-hardcore. I'm going to find more music. My internet is being a bitch and it's really fucking slow. It's pissing me off.
Alright, enough about today, that's for later, now, on to Friday. Hmmmm, what did I do Friday?... Oh yeah, I sat around my house until around 1 or 2 o'clock watching videos of Portal. Haha, lame, right? After that, I went to Mark's house to go play Portal. xD
We switched off every now and then. It was pretty fun. We decided to go to the mall. Daniel came along and we met Kat and Maribeth there. We walked around a bit and then went in to Hot Topic. Mark bought the Cure shirt he's been wanting and because the shirts and stuff were on sale, I bought myself a BMTH shirt (it was buy one get the second half off). Why am I even talking about this? Ah well, I have no idea. Whatever. After that we went to go buy food, well, I didn't buy any, but Daniel and Mark did. Mark didn't finish his food so I ate some of it. It wasn't too appealing though. Ensuing food, we went to Pacsun. Daniel tried on hats and stuff. It was pretty funny. I think he also bought a hoodie. I saw Lou there and said, "hi."
Well, actually it was the other way around. We left Pacsun and went to the Apple store, screwed around on the Macs, and MB bought an iPod Touch. I think the Touch's are lame. I'd rather have a lot of room for music. When we left the Apple store and sat down, I saw my cousin. She glared at me like she hates me. Maybe she does. Whatever, she's 10 or something. Daniel wanted to stalk her and say, "HI CODY'S COUSIN!!"
He wanted someone to go with him but we were all too lazy. So, he went into the Apple store by himself to "prank call" Mark even though he told Mark. We walked away after he went into the store. We watched to see when he would realize we were gone. It took him quite a bit of time. Hehe.
MB and Kat got hungry so they went to buy asian food. Daniel, being lazy as always, went into the temperpedic (if that's how you spell it) matress store to go lay on some beds. I had some of MB's asian noodle stuff because I was starting to get hungry. As we were eating, we saw Jacob Coffee and he came over and sat down with us.
Following the mall, we went to see Role Models. It was a pretty good movie. Funny stuff. Mhm. We also saw James Bond: Quantum of Solace. The new James Bond movies are getting progressively worse. This one in particular sucked. It didn't have a very good plot, it just continued off the last one. It's way more unrealistic than the earlier ones, even if those were already unrealistic. It just seems crappy. Watching two movies in the second row in the front was not comfortable whatsoever. I also got a headache because of sitting too close to the screen looking up. Maribeth's mom drove us home when the movie finished. I ended up not eating dinner until 11:30 that night. My mom was pissed about that.
Heh I like staying in my room. It's nice and warm, and has stuff to do. :D
This is probably a really long post. Who knows, I'm too lazy to scroll up and see how long. Kudos to whoever bothers to read it all.
On to Saturday! Nothing interesting happened for the first half of the day. At 2 in the afternoon, I was supposed to meet Sarah at Medical Center but seeing as how my dad had asked me prior to planning to go to DC, I had to help my dad rake leaves and stuff. It ended up being 2:30 before we finished. After that my mom informed me that they needed to go pick up the car from the shop before they could drive me to the metro. I ended up getting to Medical Center around 3. Damn, I was an hour late.
We took the metro in to DC. After we got off the metro we got some coffee and walked in to Adams Morgan. There are some pretty rad CD/ record shops around there, some thrift stores too. I love going to DC, but no one ever wants to. I bought the Arcade Fire EP at Crooked Beats, one of the stores that sell a lot of indie and alternative CDs/ records and some punk stuff. We walked around some more after that. It was around 5:20 when we got on the metro back. I got off at the Friendship Heights station to go to Lou's house because Sarah had to go home. She met me at the station and we walked to her house. Her house was pretty big. It smelled so stereotypical for a french family. Haha. Oh yeah, she's French. We ended up playing some guitar and jammed. She also showed me some of her original songs, which were pretty damn amazing. They somewhat remind me of Blonde Redhead for some reason. She claims to have never heard of them. My parents called me around 6:30 and told me to start heading to Medical Center or whatever so they could pick me up. I did. When I got back to Medical Center, my parents weren't even there yet. It took them like 20 more minutes. When they finally came, we went to pick up Mark, Daniel, Emily, and MB at 7 Eleven because they were too damn lazy to walk back to Mark's. We dropped them off at Mark's, I went home to eat dinner, and after dinner I went to Mark's to hang. Daniel went home early from Mark's from once. Astonishing. Emily, Mark, MB, and I went to KP to chill. They asked me to climb up to the roof, which I did, but no one else did... Fail. Eventually, MB's mom came and picked up MB and Emily, I went back to Mark's house to sit around. We went on the internet and talked about random stuff. Well, that's Saturday.
Sunday, I sat around once again, then at around 2 in the afternoon (what's with things happening at 2?) I went around outside and yeah. That's pretty much my lame Sunday.
Monday... Monday sucked. I was sick, my mom made me go to school, if I didn't make that clear earlier. The day was boring as hell. I had homework due that I never finished. When I came home I just went to sleep and went on the computer. No point in doing homework if I was to take today off.
Well, with that, that brings me to today. The Decemberists are really beginning to grow on me. I'm currently deciding whether or not I should download some trance. Some more post hardcore, hardcore, grindcore, indie, and punk stuff would be nice. Time to go find more music! Maybe sleep too...
Since my last post was about a week ago on Wednesday, I'm going to back up and try to remember what has happened since and make up for not writing in a while (more like five days, but whatever). I'm going to start on Thursday, which was Thanksgiving.
Thurdsay, Thanksgiving, I can't remember what I did before Emily came over very well.
I probaby just hung around my house playing guitar and looking up stuff online. I helped my parents for a little bit in the morning and then proceeded to making more stencils. In the afternoon sometime, Emily came over and we hung around my house making stencils and such. I think she made three. I only made one though... I think? Haha. After we finished, it was about 4 o'clock, so, we got a paint bucket and all these other random paint supplies and stuffed them into one of my hiking backpacks. I don't think my parents seemed suspicious of why I was lugging a huge hiking backpack to Mark's house. That, or they didn't care. We took a walk to Mark's after I found the CD with the pictures I took for his dad on it. At Mark's house we played Rockband and got distracted for a bit. It was pretty fun. He got an excuse to not watch Indiana Jones with his parents and little brother. My parents called around 5:45 and told us to be home around 6:15, so we left Mark's to follow up on our original plans, which was to paint over some old streetart and put up some new stuff. We ended up getting to the place a little after 6. It was already dark when we got there, actually it was dark when we got to Mark's, but that's beside the point. We had to use a flashlight. We painted about a 6 ft. x 4 ft. section of the wall some beige-ish colour, it was the only paint bucket I could open ( I tried beforehand). While working on this my parents called to tell me to start heading back, so we had to cut painting short and pack up. We had to walk pretty fast back to my house because my parents expected us to be back in like 5 minutes or something... We didn't get back that soon. I think my dad was a bit pissed when I walked in because we were late. Ah well.
For dinner Emily and I had tofurkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and all that other stuff. It was good. I think she ate more than she normally does for once. xD
After dinner we went to my room and just chilled, went on stickam with Ana for a little bit, and listened to music. We also went on Skype and such. After that, my parents drove her home. Well, that's the end of Thursday.
All I've been doing today is downloading music, listening to it, downloading more, and sleeping.
At least I don't have to sit through another monotonous day of school. Weee. I think I should listen to The Decemberists more often, they're pretty good. It's chill music, I like it. I also downloaded a shitload of post-hardcore. I'm going to find more music. My internet is being a bitch and it's really fucking slow. It's pissing me off.
Alright, enough about today, that's for later, now, on to Friday. Hmmmm, what did I do Friday?... Oh yeah, I sat around my house until around 1 or 2 o'clock watching videos of Portal. Haha, lame, right? After that, I went to Mark's house to go play Portal. xD
We switched off every now and then. It was pretty fun. We decided to go to the mall. Daniel came along and we met Kat and Maribeth there. We walked around a bit and then went in to Hot Topic. Mark bought the Cure shirt he's been wanting and because the shirts and stuff were on sale, I bought myself a BMTH shirt (it was buy one get the second half off). Why am I even talking about this? Ah well, I have no idea. Whatever. After that we went to go buy food, well, I didn't buy any, but Daniel and Mark did. Mark didn't finish his food so I ate some of it. It wasn't too appealing though. Ensuing food, we went to Pacsun. Daniel tried on hats and stuff. It was pretty funny. I think he also bought a hoodie. I saw Lou there and said, "hi."
Well, actually it was the other way around. We left Pacsun and went to the Apple store, screwed around on the Macs, and MB bought an iPod Touch. I think the Touch's are lame. I'd rather have a lot of room for music. When we left the Apple store and sat down, I saw my cousin. She glared at me like she hates me. Maybe she does. Whatever, she's 10 or something. Daniel wanted to stalk her and say, "HI CODY'S COUSIN!!"
He wanted someone to go with him but we were all too lazy. So, he went into the Apple store by himself to "prank call" Mark even though he told Mark. We walked away after he went into the store. We watched to see when he would realize we were gone. It took him quite a bit of time. Hehe.
MB and Kat got hungry so they went to buy asian food. Daniel, being lazy as always, went into the temperpedic (if that's how you spell it) matress store to go lay on some beds. I had some of MB's asian noodle stuff because I was starting to get hungry. As we were eating, we saw Jacob Coffee and he came over and sat down with us.
Following the mall, we went to see Role Models. It was a pretty good movie. Funny stuff. Mhm. We also saw James Bond: Quantum of Solace. The new James Bond movies are getting progressively worse. This one in particular sucked. It didn't have a very good plot, it just continued off the last one. It's way more unrealistic than the earlier ones, even if those were already unrealistic. It just seems crappy. Watching two movies in the second row in the front was not comfortable whatsoever. I also got a headache because of sitting too close to the screen looking up. Maribeth's mom drove us home when the movie finished. I ended up not eating dinner until 11:30 that night. My mom was pissed about that.
Heh I like staying in my room. It's nice and warm, and has stuff to do. :D
This is probably a really long post. Who knows, I'm too lazy to scroll up and see how long. Kudos to whoever bothers to read it all.
On to Saturday! Nothing interesting happened for the first half of the day. At 2 in the afternoon, I was supposed to meet Sarah at Medical Center but seeing as how my dad had asked me prior to planning to go to DC, I had to help my dad rake leaves and stuff. It ended up being 2:30 before we finished. After that my mom informed me that they needed to go pick up the car from the shop before they could drive me to the metro. I ended up getting to Medical Center around 3. Damn, I was an hour late.
We took the metro in to DC. After we got off the metro we got some coffee and walked in to Adams Morgan. There are some pretty rad CD/ record shops around there, some thrift stores too. I love going to DC, but no one ever wants to. I bought the Arcade Fire EP at Crooked Beats, one of the stores that sell a lot of indie and alternative CDs/ records and some punk stuff. We walked around some more after that. It was around 5:20 when we got on the metro back. I got off at the Friendship Heights station to go to Lou's house because Sarah had to go home. She met me at the station and we walked to her house. Her house was pretty big. It smelled so stereotypical for a french family. Haha. Oh yeah, she's French. We ended up playing some guitar and jammed. She also showed me some of her original songs, which were pretty damn amazing. They somewhat remind me of Blonde Redhead for some reason. She claims to have never heard of them. My parents called me around 6:30 and told me to start heading to Medical Center or whatever so they could pick me up. I did. When I got back to Medical Center, my parents weren't even there yet. It took them like 20 more minutes. When they finally came, we went to pick up Mark, Daniel, Emily, and MB at 7 Eleven because they were too damn lazy to walk back to Mark's. We dropped them off at Mark's, I went home to eat dinner, and after dinner I went to Mark's to hang. Daniel went home early from Mark's from once. Astonishing. Emily, Mark, MB, and I went to KP to chill. They asked me to climb up to the roof, which I did, but no one else did... Fail. Eventually, MB's mom came and picked up MB and Emily, I went back to Mark's house to sit around. We went on the internet and talked about random stuff. Well, that's Saturday.
Sunday, I sat around once again, then at around 2 in the afternoon (what's with things happening at 2?) I went around outside and yeah. That's pretty much my lame Sunday.
Monday... Monday sucked. I was sick, my mom made me go to school, if I didn't make that clear earlier. The day was boring as hell. I had homework due that I never finished. When I came home I just went to sleep and went on the computer. No point in doing homework if I was to take today off.
Well, with that, that brings me to today. The Decemberists are really beginning to grow on me. I'm currently deciding whether or not I should download some trance. Some more post hardcore, hardcore, grindcore, indie, and punk stuff would be nice. Time to go find more music! Maybe sleep too...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Today was so awesome, a half-day of school and super fucking chill. I didn't pay attention at all in any of my classes, i just drew and listened to music. All my classes went by fast today (other than it being a half day). I had a quiz in NSL that I think I did pretty well on. Other than that there was nothing to do in any of my other classes. I decided not to retake this one quiz in French because I decided I could just take the C (15.5/20). It wasn't too cold today, even though Mark was complaining the whole time, while waiting for the bus, that it was cold. Well it's his fault he didn't bring a jacket or anything.
After school Mark and I took the metro up to Gaithersburg to go to meet Emily, Maribeth, and a few other people at Chipotle. We ended up not eating at Chipotle, but at Quiznos. After that we walked around a bit more and people bought/ stole stuff from Barnes & Nobles. Haha. I found it kind of funny. After that, Mark and Maribeth left to go to Maribeth's house to do whatever they planned. Emily, Ana, Ben, Allie, Cameron,Zach, and I walked to the Lakeforest Transit Center, but about a half hour later, we realized that the bus we needed to take to get to Allie's house didn't stop there. So, we took a different bus, got off at some place (I forgot where) and waited. While we waited I got out my iPod speakers and we chilled and listened to music. We proceeded to drawing stuff on the side of the glass of the bus stop thing. After waiting for so long, the bus came and we finally went to Allie's.
Her house was pretty tight I guess. I played her classical guitar and a bit of her electric. We started watching the movie Office Space but didn't finish it because we all lost interest in the movie and ended up just wanting to leave. We walked all the way to Cameron's house from Allie's. It wasn't too bad of a walk, just very long. We stopped and waited for the bus several time but eventually just gave up and decided to walk the rest of the way. We went through this Military recruiting place or something. We went down into this creepy kind of stairwell that had steel doors and chains on it for a bit until we reached the bottom and no one wanted to brave on in front and lead. Apparently sometimes homeless people stay there sometimes. As it started to get dark we neared Cameron's house. I think his house is pretty big. It's also pretty tight. We played guitar/ drums/ bass/ that other good stuff, listened to loud music, played pool, watched some movies, and just chilled. I left around like 10:45 or something, I think. Ana's mom came and took Emily home and drove me to the Shady Grove metro station. I got on the metro at sometime around 11:00 and got home around 11:45. I'm glad I ran up the escalator at Medical Center because right as I got to the 34 stop, the bus arrived. I was saved from waiting in the cold.
After I got home I had to knock on the door because my parent's were asleep. I think I woke up my mom. I put all my stuff away and went downstairs to get apple cider and raspberries, which were deliciously awesome. After that I was pondering whether or not I should get one of my stencils and go spray paint a road sign a street from my house. I ended up going out to spray paint it. While I was painting, I got nervous because there weren't many cars around but when there was one, I thought that they would stop. Haha. After I finish painting I realized that there was some guy in a car watching me because the light was red, so I walked quickly back to my house. I got a bit more nervous carrying a spray paint can and a stencil as about 5 more cars passed me out of no where. Ah well, it was a good experience though, I guess. I think what I spray painted up on the sign was terribly shitty because of my hurrying. Ah well, at least I didn't get caught or what not. That would have really sucked. I think I'm going to go check up on it tomorrow (well, today I guess, but later).
Well, since today is Thanksgiving, I'm eating dinner and doing stuff with my family and their friends. I think Emily is probably coming over to chill here and eat dinner here. Mark might hang out too. Also maybe Spencer. My mom bought the tofurkey stuff already. Woo vegetarian stuff! I hope that not many people go outside on Thanksgiving so that I can have a fun time painting the walls under a bridge and spray some new stencils and maybe do other stuff.
It's getting late, not really I suppose but whatever. It's 12:48, I'm tired and I still need to take a shower. I think I'm going to go to sleep very soon.
After school Mark and I took the metro up to Gaithersburg to go to meet Emily, Maribeth, and a few other people at Chipotle. We ended up not eating at Chipotle, but at Quiznos. After that we walked around a bit more and people bought/ stole stuff from Barnes & Nobles. Haha. I found it kind of funny. After that, Mark and Maribeth left to go to Maribeth's house to do whatever they planned. Emily, Ana, Ben, Allie, Cameron,Zach, and I walked to the Lakeforest Transit Center, but about a half hour later, we realized that the bus we needed to take to get to Allie's house didn't stop there. So, we took a different bus, got off at some place (I forgot where) and waited. While we waited I got out my iPod speakers and we chilled and listened to music. We proceeded to drawing stuff on the side of the glass of the bus stop thing. After waiting for so long, the bus came and we finally went to Allie's.
Her house was pretty tight I guess. I played her classical guitar and a bit of her electric. We started watching the movie Office Space but didn't finish it because we all lost interest in the movie and ended up just wanting to leave. We walked all the way to Cameron's house from Allie's. It wasn't too bad of a walk, just very long. We stopped and waited for the bus several time but eventually just gave up and decided to walk the rest of the way. We went through this Military recruiting place or something. We went down into this creepy kind of stairwell that had steel doors and chains on it for a bit until we reached the bottom and no one wanted to brave on in front and lead. Apparently sometimes homeless people stay there sometimes. As it started to get dark we neared Cameron's house. I think his house is pretty big. It's also pretty tight. We played guitar/ drums/ bass/ that other good stuff, listened to loud music, played pool, watched some movies, and just chilled. I left around like 10:45 or something, I think. Ana's mom came and took Emily home and drove me to the Shady Grove metro station. I got on the metro at sometime around 11:00 and got home around 11:45. I'm glad I ran up the escalator at Medical Center because right as I got to the 34 stop, the bus arrived. I was saved from waiting in the cold.
After I got home I had to knock on the door because my parent's were asleep. I think I woke up my mom. I put all my stuff away and went downstairs to get apple cider and raspberries, which were deliciously awesome. After that I was pondering whether or not I should get one of my stencils and go spray paint a road sign a street from my house. I ended up going out to spray paint it. While I was painting, I got nervous because there weren't many cars around but when there was one, I thought that they would stop. Haha. After I finish painting I realized that there was some guy in a car watching me because the light was red, so I walked quickly back to my house. I got a bit more nervous carrying a spray paint can and a stencil as about 5 more cars passed me out of no where. Ah well, it was a good experience though, I guess. I think what I spray painted up on the sign was terribly shitty because of my hurrying. Ah well, at least I didn't get caught or what not. That would have really sucked. I think I'm going to go check up on it tomorrow (well, today I guess, but later).
Well, since today is Thanksgiving, I'm eating dinner and doing stuff with my family and their friends. I think Emily is probably coming over to chill here and eat dinner here. Mark might hang out too. Also maybe Spencer. My mom bought the tofurkey stuff already. Woo vegetarian stuff! I hope that not many people go outside on Thanksgiving so that I can have a fun time painting the walls under a bridge and spray some new stencils and maybe do other stuff.
It's getting late, not really I suppose but whatever. It's 12:48, I'm tired and I still need to take a shower. I think I'm going to go to sleep very soon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
This post is most likely to be short. Nothing much of interest happened today. School was generally boring. I took a 2 hour nap today. Haha, fun right? I usually don't take naps. I was so tired today.
In first period, we went over safe sex and all this other boring shit. It's such a lame way to start the day. Second period we watched a video on the state and local governments. Third period always sucks. It's Precalc. My teacher is seriously half deaf. My worst class of the day (I think...) Fourth period, wind ensemble, we played our instruments like always. We got a new piece a couple of days ago, so we worked on that. Lunch, I went in for a re-teach in French. After lunch I had French. It didn't go by so quick. Sixth was chemistry. We had a test today which I don't think I did too well on. I think English has become one of my better classes this quarter. I have a high B in that class and we're reading the Odyssey. It's not that bad a book. I stayed after school with Alex to help him with his photography stuff. It turned out to be really boring. He needed help with like everything, I'm not even joking. He didn't remember anything he learned.
Hmm... What else did I do today? Well, I'm not sure.
On to tomorrow! I think I'm going to bring my iPod speakers to school and not my binders. I might bring my longboard tomorrow too. After school should be fun. I'm going to Gaithersburg with Mark and meeting up with Maribeth, Emily, Allie, and all those other people who I fail to remember. I think we're going to Chipotle then to some kid's party. Mmmm sounds fun. :]
I think that's all for today. If I should bring anything else tomorrow, IM me or text me. Sleepy time soon.
In first period, we went over safe sex and all this other boring shit. It's such a lame way to start the day. Second period we watched a video on the state and local governments. Third period always sucks. It's Precalc. My teacher is seriously half deaf. My worst class of the day (I think...) Fourth period, wind ensemble, we played our instruments like always. We got a new piece a couple of days ago, so we worked on that. Lunch, I went in for a re-teach in French. After lunch I had French. It didn't go by so quick. Sixth was chemistry. We had a test today which I don't think I did too well on. I think English has become one of my better classes this quarter. I have a high B in that class and we're reading the Odyssey. It's not that bad a book. I stayed after school with Alex to help him with his photography stuff. It turned out to be really boring. He needed help with like everything, I'm not even joking. He didn't remember anything he learned.
Hmm... What else did I do today? Well, I'm not sure.
On to tomorrow! I think I'm going to bring my iPod speakers to school and not my binders. I might bring my longboard tomorrow too. After school should be fun. I'm going to Gaithersburg with Mark and meeting up with Maribeth, Emily, Allie, and all those other people who I fail to remember. I think we're going to Chipotle then to some kid's party. Mmmm sounds fun. :]
I think that's all for today. If I should bring anything else tomorrow, IM me or text me. Sleepy time soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Une Anée Sans Lumière
I'm so glad we only have two and a half days of school this week. Too bad I have like 3 tests/ quizes tomorrow and a couple on Wednesday...
Ahh well, I'm still looking forward to getting days off, even though I'm not going to do anything. I hope I can go to DC sometime this week/ weekend. That would be fun.
I want to go put up some more street art sometime soon. It was fun last time I did it. I'm still pondering whether I should make a person out of newspaper and wheatpaste he/she to a wall. I'd really like to make some stickers and put 'em on some stuff.
Yup another short blog today. I think the song Peacebone by Animal Collective makes me happy. Mmm good song. You should go listen to it.
Ahh well, I'm still looking forward to getting days off, even though I'm not going to do anything. I hope I can go to DC sometime this week/ weekend. That would be fun.
I want to go put up some more street art sometime soon. It was fun last time I did it. I'm still pondering whether I should make a person out of newspaper and wheatpaste he/she to a wall. I'd really like to make some stickers and put 'em on some stuff.
Yup another short blog today. I think the song Peacebone by Animal Collective makes me happy. Mmm good song. You should go listen to it.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Asleep On A Sunbeam
Nothing interesting happened today. Cousins. Home Depot. Spray paint. Flute. Guitar.
I think I'm going to write up my holiday wishlist later because people have been asking me what I wanted.
I think I'm going to write up my holiday wishlist later because people have been asking me what I wanted.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
13 Seconds
Today wasn't too bad. It was boring. Not much happened. I ran errands with my parents.
When we went to Hardware City today, I bought a paint respirator! Which I'm happy about getting. I also bought two more cans of spray paint! Yay!
After I got home, I painted a bit. Then, Mark, Emily, Maribeth, and Daniel came over and just sat around my house. Well, at least my being grounded is almost at an end. I want my own damn record player...
When we went to Hardware City today, I bought a paint respirator! Which I'm happy about getting. I also bought two more cans of spray paint! Yay!
After I got home, I painted a bit. Then, Mark, Emily, Maribeth, and Daniel came over and just sat around my house. Well, at least my being grounded is almost at an end. I want my own damn record player...
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Moon
So, the rest of today ended up not as eventful as I thought it would be. I went to Mark's dad's party at like 7:00. I took pictures of random people I didn't know, then, later of Metrophish and some of Billy Woodward & The Senders. Before starting to take pictures I got this huge ass mother fucking stomach-ache that hurt so damn much. To add to that I almost threw up in the bathroom. After my fun bathroom time I got some Coke which eased up my stomach. When both bands finished playing. Collin, Mark, and I went up to Mark's dad's office to hang around and eat. We were planning to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl but Ethan forgot to bring the cables that hook into the T.V.
Later, Andy, Mariana, and Daniel joined us and we just lay around the office listening to music. When Andy and Collin leave to go downstairs,l Daniel decides to go over to the computer and change the music that was playing, which was Pedro The Lion. It was nice, chill music, but no, he has to change it to some heavier stuff that didn't fit the mood at all. Mark and I kind of yelled at him until he informed us that he had to go to the bathroom. We changed it back to the music that was playing before. Mariana drove Mark, Daniel, and I home. Well, more like to Mark's house. Mark didn't want Daniel going into his house, only to leave way later than Mark wanted him to. It didn't stop Daniel. We hung around Mark's house for a bit, Daniel and Collin left after Mark got a bit pissed at Daniel. Hehe
I just got on his computer after that and randomly commented on peoples facebook statuses with "orly" or something random. I left his house at around 12:30. I ended up not having a super awesome late night adventure. Oh woe is me. Today (Saturday) I get to either A) hear my mom bitch to me about grades or B) give me a boring lecture. Sunday will most likely resemble Saturday.
I'm pretty psyched for the 2.5 day week coming up.
Later, Andy, Mariana, and Daniel joined us and we just lay around the office listening to music. When Andy and Collin leave to go downstairs,l Daniel decides to go over to the computer and change the music that was playing, which was Pedro The Lion. It was nice, chill music, but no, he has to change it to some heavier stuff that didn't fit the mood at all. Mark and I kind of yelled at him until he informed us that he had to go to the bathroom. We changed it back to the music that was playing before. Mariana drove Mark, Daniel, and I home. Well, more like to Mark's house. Mark didn't want Daniel going into his house, only to leave way later than Mark wanted him to. It didn't stop Daniel. We hung around Mark's house for a bit, Daniel and Collin left after Mark got a bit pissed at Daniel. Hehe
I just got on his computer after that and randomly commented on peoples facebook statuses with "orly" or something random. I left his house at around 12:30. I ended up not having a super awesome late night adventure. Oh woe is me. Today (Saturday) I get to either A) hear my mom bitch to me about grades or B) give me a boring lecture. Sunday will most likely resemble Saturday.
I'm pretty psyched for the 2.5 day week coming up.
Where Eagles Dare
Today was pretty good, I'm a lot happier and glad it's Friday. I'm Not going to write much now because not very much has happened today. I'll get on later, maybe midnight or so, and edit this post (maybe make a new one?).
Mark should stop being sick and go to school. He was well enough to go to school today. Just didn't feel like it. Lame, should have gone. Not fair that he gets a 3 day week.
I hope the rest of my day turns out good. I might have a midnight adventure or something. Hmm. Yep.
Mark should stop being sick and go to school. He was well enough to go to school today. Just didn't feel like it. Lame, should have gone. Not fair that he gets a 3 day week.
I hope the rest of my day turns out good. I might have a midnight adventure or something. Hmm. Yep.
Random playlist time!
Untitled (but has a lot of indie stuff on it)
King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1 - Neutral Milk Hotel
Neighborhood #2 (Laika) - Arcade Fire
Eventually, All At Once - Joan Of Arc
Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Two-Headed Boy - Neutral Milk Hotel
Cassandra - Paper Rival
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
The Headmaster Ritual - The Smiths
Holland, 1945 - Neutral Milk Hotel
Swimmer King - Paper Rival
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
Peacebone - Animal Collective
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt. 1 - The Flaming Lips
King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1 - Neutral Milk Hotel
Neighborhood #2 (Laika) - Arcade Fire
Eventually, All At Once - Joan Of Arc
Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Two-Headed Boy - Neutral Milk Hotel
Cassandra - Paper Rival
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
The Headmaster Ritual - The Smiths
Holland, 1945 - Neutral Milk Hotel
Swimmer King - Paper Rival
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
Peacebone - Animal Collective
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt. 1 - The Flaming Lips
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Floodgates Released
Well, I just got home and I'm probably just going to go off ranting.
Today fucking sucked.
I feel a bit on the down side as of right now. Depressed, a bit angry, and really fucking tired. I'm not quite sure why I'm depressed at all. It just comes and goes I guess. Just read the rest of this and infer I guess.
It started off as a good day, and I guess throughout the course of the day it got progressively worse.
Today, my friend asked this other kid if he had STDs, and I guess that just ticked me off a bit. I'm not going to reveal who either of them are, as to keep them anonymous and away from/ out of conversations. I guess they fucked yesterday, or sometime this week. While I heard all this, it made me imagine that happening and angered me. Whatever, maybe I should keep my nose out of these things, but it just pissed me off. It would seriously suck if she got some STDs. She's a good friend. The other kid is just a little cunt most of the times, he lies a whole fucking lot. I don't even know why I'm writing any of this. As of right now I feel like breaking something. The rest of my day just piled up. I don't feel like doing much today. Funny, I find that my life is quite comparable to the book, Hairstyles of the Damned. It's like my life is becoming more fucked up in a way. Maybe it will get a bit better. This I do not feel like explaining to people. If you ask me why, to me, it seems this way, I may or may not tell you, and if I do tell you, I probably will not tell you everything.
I started off the day listening to cheerful, happy music, and as the day progressed (and my mood changed) I transitioned in to music that fit my mood, music that was loud and heavy with some screaming. Something like that. I listened to mostly grindcore, some post-hardcore, noisecore, and (real) screamo. Mainly An Albatross, Phobia, Discordance Axis, Lightning Bolt, Saetia, Orchid, Some Girls, and some At The Drive-In. As I write this, I am listening to An Albatross. The music that I listen to most of the time reflects my mood.
So, I guess I'll move on to talking about my day.
First period. Health. I got to stare at a Powerpoint about a baby's growth in the mother's stomach. Second period. NSL. Half-listened to my teacher talk about the Senate and House of Representatives, followed by a video. Third. Precalc. I didn't pay any attention in that class what-so-ever. All I know is that my teacher didn't teach much at all, she just went over homework and the warm-up the whole fucking period. The shittiest class the whole day. I drew random stuff on my assignment.
Lunch. I don't feel like talking much about it seeing as it relates to sex, and random talk. It was a bit extended (and early) because during the normal lunch time we had old people come to our school and eat lunch with students, dance, and all that great stuff. If you're really curious about lunch, which I'm sure none of you are, just ask me or something...
Fourth period. Wind ensemble. I don't really have to tell you what I did that class. Fifth. French. We just sat around did one assignment on "qui" and "que" and also got to use the Activote egg things. Sixth. Chem. Lab day. Boring. The lab more than sucked, even though it was with acid it wasn't very interesting. Seventh. English. We spent the whole class reading Book 9 of the Odessey. Pretty much my day. A little after fourth period I got depressed, I guess. That sums it up.
I got bored, so...
I decided to add some random thing about music.
Like what albums I've been listening to or some playlist I made. Random shit. Yup.
Album: End On End
Artist: Rites of Spring
Genre: Emo/ Emocore

Album: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Artist: Neutral Milk hotel
Genre: Indie/ Folk
Today fucking sucked.
I feel a bit on the down side as of right now. Depressed, a bit angry, and really fucking tired. I'm not quite sure why I'm depressed at all. It just comes and goes I guess. Just read the rest of this and infer I guess.
It started off as a good day, and I guess throughout the course of the day it got progressively worse.
Today, my friend asked this other kid if he had STDs, and I guess that just ticked me off a bit. I'm not going to reveal who either of them are, as to keep them anonymous and away from/ out of conversations. I guess they fucked yesterday, or sometime this week. While I heard all this, it made me imagine that happening and angered me. Whatever, maybe I should keep my nose out of these things, but it just pissed me off. It would seriously suck if she got some STDs. She's a good friend. The other kid is just a little cunt most of the times, he lies a whole fucking lot. I don't even know why I'm writing any of this. As of right now I feel like breaking something. The rest of my day just piled up. I don't feel like doing much today. Funny, I find that my life is quite comparable to the book, Hairstyles of the Damned. It's like my life is becoming more fucked up in a way. Maybe it will get a bit better. This I do not feel like explaining to people. If you ask me why, to me, it seems this way, I may or may not tell you, and if I do tell you, I probably will not tell you everything.
I started off the day listening to cheerful, happy music, and as the day progressed (and my mood changed) I transitioned in to music that fit my mood, music that was loud and heavy with some screaming. Something like that. I listened to mostly grindcore, some post-hardcore, noisecore, and (real) screamo. Mainly An Albatross, Phobia, Discordance Axis, Lightning Bolt, Saetia, Orchid, Some Girls, and some At The Drive-In. As I write this, I am listening to An Albatross. The music that I listen to most of the time reflects my mood.
So, I guess I'll move on to talking about my day.
First period. Health. I got to stare at a Powerpoint about a baby's growth in the mother's stomach. Second period. NSL. Half-listened to my teacher talk about the Senate and House of Representatives, followed by a video. Third. Precalc. I didn't pay any attention in that class what-so-ever. All I know is that my teacher didn't teach much at all, she just went over homework and the warm-up the whole fucking period. The shittiest class the whole day. I drew random stuff on my assignment.
Lunch. I don't feel like talking much about it seeing as it relates to sex, and random talk. It was a bit extended (and early) because during the normal lunch time we had old people come to our school and eat lunch with students, dance, and all that great stuff. If you're really curious about lunch, which I'm sure none of you are, just ask me or something...
Fourth period. Wind ensemble. I don't really have to tell you what I did that class. Fifth. French. We just sat around did one assignment on "qui" and "que" and also got to use the Activote egg things. Sixth. Chem. Lab day. Boring. The lab more than sucked, even though it was with acid it wasn't very interesting. Seventh. English. We spent the whole class reading Book 9 of the Odessey. Pretty much my day. A little after fourth period I got depressed, I guess. That sums it up.
I got bored, so...
I decided to add some random thing about music.
Like what albums I've been listening to or some playlist I made. Random shit. Yup.
Album: End On End
Artist: Rites of Spring
Genre: Emo/ Emocore
- "Spring" - 2:32
- "Deeper than Inside" - 2:16
- "For Want Of" - 2:58
- "Hain's Point" - 1:53
- "All There Is" - 2:00
- "Drink Deep" - 2:23
- "Other Way Around"* - 3:11
- "Theme (If I Started Crying)" - 2:11
- "By Design" - 2:11
- "Remainder" - 2:31
- "Persistent Vision" - 2:37
- "Nudes" - 2:32
- "End on End" - 2:36
- "All Through a Life" - 2:27
- "Hidden Wheel" - 2:31
- "In Silence/Words Away" - 3:00
- "Patience" - 1:58
Album: In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Artist: Neutral Milk hotel
Genre: Indie/ Folk
- "The King of Carrot Flowers Pt. One" – 2:00
- "The King of Carrot Flowers Pts. Two & Three" – 3:06
- "In the Aeroplane over the Sea" – 3:22
- "Two-Headed Boy" – 4:26
- "The Fool" (Spillane) – 1:53
- "Holland, 1945" – 3:12
- "Communist Daughter" – 1:57
- "Oh Comely" – 8:18
- "Ghost" – 4:08
- (Untitled) – 2:16
- "Two-Headed Boy Pt. Two" – 5:13
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Astro Zombies!
Haha random song as a title.
Bleh. So, I'm pretty bored right now. I've been making and cutting stencils for like the past hour. Yesterday, I finished a stencil of a TV. Today, I'm working on one of a man in a gas mask, Joe Strummer, "DIY or die", "you don't need it.", and unity. It's probably going to take me a while longer to finish.
As I am writing this, I am listening to Fiction Romance by the Buzzcocks.
Today went by pretty fast, actually. Throughout my first four classes we didn't get much done. We watched a movie in both Health and NSL (1st and 2nd). Precalc was boring as usual. I actually listened today. I dozed off in the middle of class though...
During lunch I was talking to Thor about music, shows, and that stuff. Apparently the show I wanted to go to on November 2nd was very... how would I say this? Um, interesting. I wanted to go see Yip-Yip. Besides that, the band that they were opening for or whatever was AIDS Wolf. The interesting part was, apparently, the whole band was on PCP for the show and their singer was kind of... crazy. She jumped around and grabbed people in the crowd.
In 6th, I had a quiz, which to my surprise, I think I aced! In 7th we're still reading the Odyssey and will probably be doing that for some time.
Since I don't feel like talking (or typing, in this case) about the rest of my day at home, I'm going to talk about art or something... maybe music? Who knows. :p
I think that surrealistic art is amazing. Most people that I show it to think it's extremely weird or creepy. Some of it is, but that's what makes it so intriguing. I find that surrealism makes me think and it also makes me want to draw something interesting.
Here's some examples:
Hans Hemling by Michael Hussar

Aren't these two paintings kind of fucked up? I find them amazing but they make chills run down my spine. I don't know why, but I love this type of art. If you want to see more surrealism, here's the place to go: beinArt
The one to the right is Mother and Child by Karl Persson.
The one below that is Shiny Chicken by Karl Persson
Bleh. So, I'm pretty bored right now. I've been making and cutting stencils for like the past hour. Yesterday, I finished a stencil of a TV. Today, I'm working on one of a man in a gas mask, Joe Strummer, "DIY or die", "you don't need it.", and unity. It's probably going to take me a while longer to finish.
As I am writing this, I am listening to Fiction Romance by the Buzzcocks.
Today went by pretty fast, actually. Throughout my first four classes we didn't get much done. We watched a movie in both Health and NSL (1st and 2nd). Precalc was boring as usual. I actually listened today. I dozed off in the middle of class though...
During lunch I was talking to Thor about music, shows, and that stuff. Apparently the show I wanted to go to on November 2nd was very... how would I say this? Um, interesting. I wanted to go see Yip-Yip. Besides that, the band that they were opening for or whatever was AIDS Wolf. The interesting part was, apparently, the whole band was on PCP for the show and their singer was kind of... crazy. She jumped around and grabbed people in the crowd.
In 6th, I had a quiz, which to my surprise, I think I aced! In 7th we're still reading the Odyssey and will probably be doing that for some time.
Since I don't feel like talking (or typing, in this case) about the rest of my day at home, I'm going to talk about art or something... maybe music? Who knows. :p
əm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation
[suh-ree-u-liz-uhm] -noun; a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc.
I think that surrealistic art is amazing. Most people that I show it to think it's extremely weird or creepy. Some of it is, but that's what makes it so intriguing. I find that surrealism makes me think and it also makes me want to draw something interesting.Here's some examples:
The one to the right is Mother and Child by Karl Persson.
The one below that is Shiny Chicken by Karl Persson
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Skips On The Record
I only made this blog because Emily told me to. I probably would not have made it otherwise. So, uh I guess thanks. Haha.
To start off, I think today was pretty boring, nothing new or interesting happened. School went by like usual. I half slept in 1st period, which is health. Boring class, we watched a movie about some lady giving birth. Fun stuff, right? 2nd Period, I listened to my teacher talk about the Senate and House of Representatives. 3rd I spent the period texting and drawing. 4th is wind ensemble, kinda self explanatory. During lunch I got some decent hot cocoa from Giant then proceeded to go back to the school with Mark. We ate in the hall in front of the library for the first time today. We talked about boring stuff that anyone reading probably would not care to read. :P
5th period totally sucked because I had a French quiz that I was not prepared to take. I think I failed it and that especially sucks because my French teacher isn't giving us a chance to re-take the quiz. 6th was boring, sleep, draw, and half listen about how to write molecular formulas. Not very hard stuff. 7th I had another quiz, this time on the Odyssey. I find it funny how when someone asks me what I'm listening to and I tell them, they're like, "What?... I've never heard of them," or, "That's so random."
Throughout school I was thinking of what stencils I should make and what I should draw. Anyone have ideas?
I'm pretty sure that almost all school days are boring now. I think I've done too much "interesting" stuff to see school as slightly fun or interesting.
After I got home from school, I decided I should make a stencil. I gave it some thought and ended up making a stencil of a TV. I WANT TO GO STENCIL STUFF SOMETIME SOON AGAIN! <3 :]
I think street art is awesome. Wheat pasting, stickering, graffiti, stencils. I admire the people that do it.
To start off, I think today was pretty boring, nothing new or interesting happened. School went by like usual. I half slept in 1st period, which is health. Boring class, we watched a movie about some lady giving birth. Fun stuff, right? 2nd Period, I listened to my teacher talk about the Senate and House of Representatives. 3rd I spent the period texting and drawing. 4th is wind ensemble, kinda self explanatory. During lunch I got some decent hot cocoa from Giant then proceeded to go back to the school with Mark. We ate in the hall in front of the library for the first time today. We talked about boring stuff that anyone reading probably would not care to read. :P
5th period totally sucked because I had a French quiz that I was not prepared to take. I think I failed it and that especially sucks because my French teacher isn't giving us a chance to re-take the quiz. 6th was boring, sleep, draw, and half listen about how to write molecular formulas. Not very hard stuff. 7th I had another quiz, this time on the Odyssey. I find it funny how when someone asks me what I'm listening to and I tell them, they're like, "What?... I've never heard of them," or, "That's so random."
Throughout school I was thinking of what stencils I should make and what I should draw. Anyone have ideas?
I'm pretty sure that almost all school days are boring now. I think I've done too much "interesting" stuff to see school as slightly fun or interesting.
After I got home from school, I decided I should make a stencil. I gave it some thought and ended up making a stencil of a TV. I WANT TO GO STENCIL STUFF SOMETIME SOON AGAIN! <3 :]
I think street art is awesome. Wheat pasting, stickering, graffiti, stencils. I admire the people that do it.
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